Below are a few questions that I am often asked, so if you have any questions about learning, check out the info below and see if it’s already covered. If not, then please feel free to get in touch.

Do you have to learn to read music?

In a word: No! However, I believe learning to read music is a valuable skill to develop and you will be a better and more rounded musician as a result because you will easily be able to communicate with other non-guitar playing musicians. But reading music isn't essential.

Do you recommend learning to read music?

Yes for younger players. For adults, I leave it up to them and often I have found that they start off not reading music but decide to learn at some point to give a bit more context to what they're playing.

Do you teach TAB?

Yes. And to make more sense of TAB, we will also look at a rough understanding of musical timing as this often accompanies TAB and can be key to making sense of how the tune should sound.

Do you teach acoustic and electric guitar?

Yes. I am happy to teach you classical, acoustic or electric guitar up to grade 8. Or if you prefer the non-grade route, that's fine - I'm happy to teach that too.

Do you teach guitar grades?

Yes. I am happy to prepare you for grades if that's what you would like to do, but there is no pressure for these (although I do think they offer an excellent and progressive route to becoming a great guitarist). If you're interested in grades, I currently teach RSL for electric and acoustic guitar and Trinity for classical guitar (and some acoustic grades too).

Do you teach ukulele grades?

Yes, although I often find that this is not a high priority for ukulele players. I have also found that ukulele players who enjoy the technical challenge of grades often end up switching to guitar.

Do you teach soprano or baritone ukulele?

Soprano only.

Do you have another question? Then please feel free to get in touch!

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